Frequently Asked Questions

Why do families choose KCS?

KCS seeks to provide an education that contains two essential elements: Christianity and English. KCS is a good fit for families seeking a strong biblically-based education with Christian values, families who are moving back and forth between Japan and Western countries, and families that are interested in having their children attend foreign universities. 

Do students have to be Christian to attend KCS?

KCS will accept students who are not Christians or from non-Christian families. However, families must understand and agree to the school’s philosophy, rules and expectations: Students at KCS will be taught from a Christian perspective in all their classes so they will be expected to understand and demonstrate Christian values.

If my child cannot pass the entrance test, what are my options?

KCS has established entrance requirements to maintain a high academic level and Christian culture in the school. Students who do not meet the requirements on initial testing may test again at a later time after improving their skills. After an entrance test, the school will make a recommendation to the family about how to proceed. 

Are class sizes limited?

KCS class sizes are limited to preserve the academic and social culture of the school. All admissions decisions will be made with consideration to the limitations of the facility, staff, and other available resources.

My child attends school on the Japanese school calendar. When can they enter KCS?

KCS uses the American school calendar so the school year is from September to June. Students coming from the Japanese school calendar may enroll for the spring term (April to June) under “auditing” status and then proceed in their grade level in September. To accommodate students whose first language is English, prospective students must be six years old by September 1 of their first grade year.  In deference to the Japanese school year, students whose first language is Japanese must be six years old by April 1 of the year they will start first grade. Students entering from Japanese kindergartens may not enter until summer school.

Is KCS a bilingual school?

No. KCS uses only the English language for all reading, instruction, and other activities. Except in Foreign Language classes, a strict English-only policy is enforced on the campus at all times.

What nationalities and cultures are represented at KCS?

The mix of nationalities at varies from year to year. In general, roughly half of the student population is from Japanese or mixed Japanese families. Other nationalities presently represented include American, Chinese, Korean, Malaysian, Marshallese, Nigerian, Ghanan, Australian, Colombian, and British, among many others throughout the years.

Does KCS provide lunches?

KCS students eat lunch in their homeroom. They are not permitted to leave the campus during lunch, so they must bring a lunch.

What Extracurricular Activities are available at KCS?

Due to the small size of the school, sports and other activities are available depending on the number of students interested in that activity. When teams can be formed, they compete in the Western Japan Athletics Association (WJAA) with other similar teams in the region. The school also organizes several activities throughout the year including drama club, sports day, outreach dinners and festivals. Due to Covid-19, extracurricular activities have been limited for the 2020-2021 school year. 

How do students get to and from school?

KCS students primarily use the train for transportation. The Kintetsu Heguri station is located a short 5-minute walk from the school with students commuting from Osaka, Kyoto, and throughout Nara prefecture.  Younger students are frequently dropped off by parents or ride the train with older students. The school does not provide any bus services.